Sumire Stanislawski

Professor of Marketing

M.A. – Waseda University

2014 – Marketing Theory, Waseda University (completion of doctoral program)
2009 M.A. – Labor Economics, Waseda University
2004 B.B.A. – Marketing / Management and Organization Studies, Simon Fraser University
Teaching & Research Interests

Marketing, Consumer Behavior, Ethical Consumption, Sustainability

Academic Appointments
2023 – Professor, Tokyo International University
2018 – Associate Professor, Tokyo International University
2014-2018 Lecturer, Tokyo International University
2012-2014 Research Associate, Waseda University
Fellowships & Grants
2016-2018 Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKEN B) Grant
2013 Yoshida Hideo Memorial Foundation, Research Grant
2012-2013 MEXT Global Center of Excellence, Hitotsubashi Center for Japanese Business Studies, Research Fellow
Selected Publications/Conference Papers
Okada, Y. and Stanislawski, S. (Eds.). (2021), Institutional Interconnections and Cross-boundary Cooperation in Inclusive Business: Case Studies from India and Africa. Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing.
Stanislawski, S. (2021), “Pivoting to Adapt for Inclusive Business Sustainability in India,” in Okada, Y. and Stanislawski, S. (Eds.), Institutional Interconnections and Cross-boundary Cooperation in Inclusive Business: Case Studies from India and Africa (pp. 117–139), Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing.
Hidaka, Y., Stanislawski, S., Mizukoshi, K., and Ohira, S. (2021), “Donations in Japan: Hometown Tax Donation and Reciprocal Gifts,” Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 49, pp. 174–175.
Mizukoshi, K., and Ohira, S., Stanislawski, S., and Hidaka, Y. (2021), “Buycotts and Boycotts in Japan: Understanding Consumer Behavior for Support,” Japan Society of Marketing and Distribution Review, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 25–32. [In Japanese]
Ohira, S., Stanislawski, S., Hidaka, Y. and Mizukoshi, K. (2021), “Hometown Tax as Crowdfunding: Donation and Cause-Related Products,” Japan Marketing Journal, Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 19–30. [In Japanese]
Stanislawski, S. (2018), “Ethical Consumption Theory” in Takei, H., Koizumi, H., Hirose, M., Yatsuhashi, J., and Hatakeyama, Y. (Eds.), Modern Marketing Theory 2nd Edition (pp. 204–213), Tokyo: Jikkyo Shuppan Co., Ltd. [In Japanese]
Stanislawski, S. (2016), “Bringing Together Japanese Organic Food Consumers and Producers After Fukushima,” Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 44, pp. 338–342.
Stanislawski, S., Sonobe, Y., and Ohira, S. (2015), “Consuming to Help—Post-Disaster Consumption in Japan,” Asia Pacific Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 11, pp. 76–79.
Ohira, S., Sonobe, Y., and Stanislawski, S. (2015), “Study of Social Consumers in Japan: Clarification of Decision-Making Processes of CRM Products,” Journal of Marketing & Distribution, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 61–89. [In Japanese]
Stanislawski, S., Sonobe, Y., and Ohira, S. (2013), “Green Consumption and the Theory of Planned Behavior in the Context of Post-Megaquake Behaviors in Japan,” Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 41, pp. 321–325.
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