Ryan Olver
Assistant Professor of Agricultural Economics
Ph.D. – University of California Berkeley
2021 Ph.D. – Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, Berkeley |
2013 Masters. – Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, Berkeley |
2012 Bachelors. – Government and Politics, University of Maryland, College Park |
2012 Bachelors. – History, University of Maryland, College Park |
2012 Bachelors. – Environmental Science and Policy, University of Maryland, College Park |
Teaching & Research Interests
Agricultural economics, supply chains, specialty crops, pesticides
Academic Appointments
2023- Assistant Professor, Tokyo International University |
2021-2023 Research Agricultural Economist, United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service |
Fellowships & Grants
2012-2013: Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship (Chinese language), United States Department of Education |
2011-2012: Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) Fellowship, United States Department of Homeland Security |
Selected Publications/Conference Papers
Wang, Sun Ling,, Ryan Olver, Daniel Bonin, Laura Dodson, and Ryan Williams. “Climate change, technology adoption, and field crop farm productivity in the United States: Short-term vs. long-term.” (2022, July 31st to August 2nd) [paper presentation]. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, Anaheim, California, United States. |
Olver, Ryan and David Zilberman. 2022. “Why Soil Fumigation Changed the Strawberry Industry.” ARE Update 25(3): 5-8. University of California Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics. https://giannini.ucop.edu/filer/file/1645718420/20317/ |
Li, Y., Liu, C., Cui, Y., Walse, S. S., Olver, R., Zilberman, D., & Mitch, W. A. (2016). Development of an Activated Carbon-Based Electrode for the Capture and Rapid Electrolytic Reductive Debromination of Methyl Bromide from Postharvest Fumigations. Environmental science & technology, 50(20), 11200–11208. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.6b03489 |