Nora Sharkasi
Professor of Digital Marketing & Analytics
Ph.D. – University of Tsukuba
2015 Ph.D. – University of Tsukuba, Japan |
2011 M.Sc. – London School of Economics and Political Science LSE, UK |
2003 B.Sc. – LaRoche University, PA, USA |
Teaching & Research Interests
Digital Marketing, Entrepreneurship Strategy and E-commerce, Marketing Modeling, Big Data and Analytics, Augmented and Virtual Reality, Digital Business Communication.
Academic Appointments
2023- Professor, Tokyo International University |
2018-2023 Associate Professor, Tokyo International University |
2016-2018 Assistant Professor, IUJ |
Selected Publications/Conference Papers
Research Accomplishments |
Sharkasi N, Chau NVH, Rajasekera J. (2023). Export Potential Analysis of Vietnamese Bottled Coconut Water by Incorporating Criteria Weights of MCDM into the Gravity of Trade Model. Sustainability, 15(15):11780. https://doi.org/10.3390/su151511780 |
Sharkasi, N. and Aggag, G. (2023 – under consideration). Using machine learning classification to quantify PLS-SEM model’s predictive power: Predicting the pre- and post-purchase intention to engage with Facebook advertisements by trust and order risk. international journal of advertising. |
Prioritized Academic Articles (Peer-reviewed) |
Sharkasi, N. and Rezakhah, S. (2022). A modified CRITIC with a reference point based on fuzzy logic and hamming distance. Knowledge-Based Systems, vol. 255, 109768, ISSN 0950-7051. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.knosys.2022.109768 (refereed) |
Abdelmoety, Z., Alamoudi, H., Alharthi, M., Sharkasi, N., Agag, G. (2022). Ensuring a Sustainable Hospitality and Tourism Industry in the COVID-19 Era: Using an Open Market Valuation Technique. Sustainability, vol. 14(20), 13190; https://doi.org/10.3390/su142013190 (refereed) |
Sharkasi, N., Sumita, U., and Yoshii, J. (2015). Development of enhanced marketing flexibility by optimally allocating sales campaign days for maximizing total expected sales. Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, 16, 87–95. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40171-014-0082-9 |
Journal Papers (Peer-reviewed) |
Sharkasi, N. and Rezakhah, S. (2022). A modified CRITIC with a reference point based on fuzzy logic and hamming distance. Knowledge-Based Systems, vol. 255, 109768, ISSN 0950-7051. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.knosys.2022.109768 (refereed) |
Abdelmoety, Z., Alamoudi, H., Alharthi, M., Sharkasi, N., Agag, G. (2022). Ensuring a Sustainable Hospitality and Tourism Industry in the COVID-19 Era: Using an Open Market Valuation Technique. Sustainability, 14(20), 13190; https://doi.org/10.3390/su142013190 (refereed) |
Myat, A., Sharkasi,N., and Rajasekera, J. (2019). Myanmar’s tourism: Sustainability of ICT to support hotel sector for online booking and digital marketing. Benchmarking: An International Journal, ISSN: 1463-5771. https://doi.org/10.1108/BIJ-07-2017-0200 (refereed) |
Sharkasi, N., Sumita, U., Rajasekera, J. (2018). Optimizing expected profit under flexible allocation of campaign days and campaign budget for management of shopping centers: A machine learning approach. International Journal of Business & Information, 13(2), p191-222. 32p. DOI: 10.6702/ijbi.201806_13(2).0003 (refereed) |
Sharkasi, N., Sumita, U., and Yoshii, J. (2015). Development of enhanced marketing flexibility by optimally allocating sales campaign days for maximizing total expected sales. Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, 16, 87–95. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40171-014-0082-9 |
Book Chapters (Peer-reviewed) |
Schneewind, A., Sharkasi, N. (2022). Analysis of the impact of brand fit on perceived credibility of social media influencers by European millennials. In: Martínez-López, F.J., Martinez, L.F. (eds) Advances in Digital Marketing and eCommerce. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-05728-1_22 (refereed) |
Hemachandra, S., Sharkasi, N. (2021). Digital transformation induced by the covid-19 pandemic. In: Martínez-López, F.J., López López, D. (eds) Advances in Digital Marketing and eCommerce. DMEC 2021. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-76520-0_6 (refereed) |
Hemachandra, S., Sharkasi, N. (2022). The Acceleration of Digital Maturity during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Retail Industry in Sri Lanka. In (Ed.), A New Era of Consumer Behavior – Beyond the Pandemic [Working Title]. IntechOpen. https://doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.107378 (refereed) |
Sharkasi, N., Ndiaye, T. (2021). The effect of covid-19 Pandemic on client’s equity: The case of a Senegalese telecommunication company. In: Martínez-López, F.J., López López, D. (eds) Advances in Digital Marketing and eCommerce. DMEC 2021. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-76520-0_32 (refereed) |
Nguyen, D.N., Sharkasi, N. (2021). Towards an understanding of the intention to engage on Facebook. In: Martínez-López, F.J., López López, D. (eds) Advances in Digital Marketing and eCommerce. DMEC 2021. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-76520-0_7 (refereed) |
Conference Presentations |
Sharkasi, N. (2022). The Application of Machine Learning with Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling for Predictive Accuracy and Validity of Model structure. International Conference on Applications of AI and Statistical Decision Making for Business World (ICASDMBW-2022). 16-17 Dec 2022. |
Sharkasi, N. (2021). Self-service check-out system utilizing mobile augmented reality technology. International Conference for Women in Multifaceted Research. 8-9 March 2021. |