Jay Rajasekera
Vice President of TIU
Dean of Graduate School of Digital Business & Innovation
Professor of Digital Business & Strategy
Ph.D. – North Carolina State University
Ph.D – North Carolina State University |
Teaching & Research Interests
Digital Business, Digital Entrepreneurship, Digital Solutions in Medical and Fintech, Algorithm Design; Entropy Applications in AI and Image and Video Diagnostics, IT for Development and Sustainability, Digital Thinking Based of Big Data and Analytics.
Academic Appointments
2018 – Professor of Digital Business and Strategy; Dean Grad. Sch. of Business and Commerce; Vice President, TIU; Instrumental in establishing Digital Business and Innovation program in TIU. Instrumental in establishing TIU-Tech Mahindra Innovation Lab at TIU. |
1991-2017 Graduate School of International Management, International University of Japan (Served as Professor of Digital Business Strategy, Dean of IUJ Business School, Vice President of IUJ; During the tenure as Dean, IUJ B-School became Japan’s only B-School ranked in the “Top 100 B-Schools of the World” list published by prestigious Economist Ranking. ) |
1984-1995 AT&T Bell Laboratories, Princeton, NJ, USA (Patented the design algorithm for the construction of world’s first optical cable system TTT-8, between US and Europe. Reportedly, world’s first demonstrations of Internet too, was done using this cable. Good percent of world internet traffic carried over optical cables built using this algorithm). |
Fellowships & Grants
Business Hub to Support Local Business Entrepreneurship (Japanese Govt + Minamiuonuma City, Niigata) |
Hand-held Devices and Apps for Enhancing Nursing Care in Developing Countries (Kaken grant) |
Distance Education System to Support Development and Education of Co-medical Professionals in Developing Countries (Kaken grant) |
Internet Governance and Linguistic Diversity (Japan Science and Technology Agency – JST grant) |
1990 Special Contribution Award by Bell Laboratories. |
1988 Special Contribution Award by Bell Laboratories. |
Selected Publications/Conference Papers
Rajasekera, J., Pemajavantha, V., Mellor, R., & Peiris, S. (2004). Current research in modeling, data mining & quantitative techniques. Sydney: University of Western Sydney.
Rajasekera, J., Hashiba, N., & Yamakawa, S. (2000). Application development with VisualAge for Java. Tokyo: Toppan Japan.
Rajasekera, J., Feng, S.C., & Tsao, H.S.J. (1997). Entropy optimization and mathematical programming. Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Rajasekera, J. & Yamada, M. (1993). Portfolio optimization with the Entropy Criterion. Tokyo, Japan: QUICK Research Institute.
Book Chapters:
Rajasekera, J., & Pemajavantha, V. (2004). Filtering corrupt data with a statistical catalyst agent. Current Research on Modeling, Data Mining and Quantitative Techniques (pp. 47-62), V. Pemajavantha, & R. Mellor (Eds.). Sydney, Australia: University of Western Sydney.
Journal and Magazine Articles:
Rajasekera, J. (2023). Enhancing Productivity through DXPO. Asia Productivity Organization (https://doi.org/10.61145/QVZD3060)
Sharkasi, N., Chau, N. V. H., & Rajasekera, J. (2023). Export Potential Analysis of Vietnamese Bottled Coconut Water by Incorporating Criteria Weights of MCDM into the Gravity of Trade Model. Sustainability, 15(15), 11780.
Kodithuwakku, J., Arachchi, D. D., & Rajasekera, J. (2022). An Emotion and Attention Recognition System to Classify the Level of Engagement to a Video Conversation by Participants in Real Time Using Machine Learning Models and Utilizing a Neural Accelerator Chip. Algorithms, 15(5), 150.
Zhang-Zhang, Y., Rohlfer, S., & Rajasekera, J. (2020). An eco-systematic view of cross-sector fintech: The case of Alibaba and Tencent. Sustainability, 12(21), 8907.
Htet, M., Yee, P. T., & Rajasekera, J. R. (2020, November). Blockchain based digital identity management system: A case study of Myanmar. In 2020 International Conference on Advanced Information Technologies (ICAIT) (pp. 42-47). IEEE.
Rajasekera, J., Mishal, A. V., & Mori, Y. (2020). Innovative mHealth solution for reliable patient data empowering rural healthcare in developing countries. Big Data Analytics in Healthcare, 83-104.
Sharkasi, N., Rajasekera, J., & Sumita, U. (2018). Optimizing Expected Profit Under Flexible Allocation of Campaign Days and Budget for Management of Shopping Centers: A Machine Learning Approach. International Journal of Business and Information, 13(2), 191-222.
Rajasekera, J., & Karunasena, H. (2015). Apparel design optimization for global market: Kansei engineering preference model. Journal of Affective Engineering, 14(2), 119-126.
Rajasekera, J., Tsujimura, H., Mori, Y., Miyakoshi, S., Pathiranage, D., & Rathnayake, U. W. S. (2014). Distance education for supporting nurse training in developing countries – Assessment of nursing techniques for postural change using Skype in Sri Lanka. The Kitakanto Medical Journal, 64(1), 44-57.
Rajasekera, J., Tsujimura, H., Mori, Y., Miyakoshi, S., Pathiranage, D., & Rathnayake, U. W. S. (2014). Distance education for supporting nurse training in developing countries. The Kitakanto Medical Journal, 64(1), 57-66.
Rajasekera, J. (2013). Challenges to Toyota caused by recall problems, social networks, and digitization. Asian Academy of Management Journal, 18(1), 1-17.
Rajasekera, J. (2011). Japan crisis: A test of the sensitivity of global supply chains. Effective Executive, 14(6), 12-16.
Rajasekera, J. (2010). Toyota type value co-creation in digital businesses using social networks. Effective Executive, 13(4), 22-28.
Rajasekera, J., & Dayal, S. (2010). Using Kansei engineering with new JIT to accomplish cost advantage. International Journal of Biometrics, 2(2), 163-172.
Rajasekera, J., Akter, Md. S., & Rahman, Md. M. (2010). Serving the poor by marketing information: Developing a sustainable village phone model in Bangladesh. International Journal of Economics and Business Research, 2(3/4), 288-309.
Rajasekera, J. (2010). What dilutes the innovation party? Case of Japan. Effective Executive, 13(1), 18-23.
Rajasekera, J. (2009). The Japan model: Applied elsewhere? Effective Executive, 12(12), 12-14.
Rajasekera, J. (2008). Business cooperation between India and Japan in relation to small and medium enterprises. Effective Executive, 11(2), 35-40.
Rajasekera, J., Takezawa, N., & So, K.C. (2007). Risk hedging through forward supply contract and equity ownership in a spin-off decision. International Journal of Production Economics, 106, 532-543.
Rajasekera, J. (2005). Modeling aspects of Japan’s corporate restructuring. Technical Report of Modeling and Simulation Research, 2(1), 15-22. ISSN 1449-5694
Rajasekera, J. (2003). Evolving strategic framework for IT services in Japan. Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, 4(1/2), 9-14.
Rajasekera, J., & Yamada, M. (2001). Estimating firm value distribution function by entropy optimization and geometric programming. Annals of Operations Research, 105, 61-75.
Rajasekera, J. (1998). Strategic challenges for Internet banking in Japan and Singapore – Anything to learn from the US? Monash Mt. Eliza Business Review, 1(2), 50-55.
Rajasekera, J. (1995). Interactive scheduling and managing a factory with shopload charts. Japan OR Society Journal, 40(5), 250-254.
Rajasekera, J. (1995, July 11). Endaka + outsourcing = Higher profits. The Asian Wall Street Journal, p. 10. (Download PDF)
Rajasekera, J., & Fang, S.C. (1995). Entropy optimization models with convex constraints. Information and Computations Journal, 116(2), 304-311.
Rajasekera, J., & Fang, S.C. (1995). A new approach to tolerance allocation in design cost analysis. Engineering Optimization Journal, 24, 283-291.
Rajasekera, J., Sumita U., & Kuratani T. (1993). EDI networks from customer to factory floor. EDI Europe Journal, 3(1), 27-35.
Rajasekera, J., & Fang, S.C. (1992). Deriving an unconstrained convex program for linear programming. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 75(3), 609-612.
Rajasekera, J., & Fang, S.C. (1992). Minimum cross-entropy analysis with entropy-type constraints. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 39, 165-178.
Rajasekera, J., & Fang, S.C. (1991). On convex programming approach to linear programming. Operations Research Letters, 10(6), 309-312.
Rajasekera, J., Murr, M.R., & So, K.C. (1991). A due date assignment model for a flow shop with application in a lightguide cable shop. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 10(1), 1-7.
Rajasekera, J. (1990). Outline of a quality plan for industrial R&D projects. IEEE Engineering Management, 37(3), 191-197.
Rajasekera, J., & Fang, S.C. (1990). On the quadratically constrained information theoretic analysis. International Journal of Systems Sciences, 21(3), 587-591.
Rajasekera, J., & Fang, S.C. (1989). Quadratically constrained minimum cross-entropy analysis. Math Programming, 44, 85-96.
Rajasekera, J., & Fang, S.C. (1989). Quadratic program with a single quadratic constraint. Journal of Chinese IIE, 6, 37-42.
Rajasekera, J., & Fang, S.C. (1988). Controlled dual perturbations for Posynomial Programming. European Journal of Operational Research, 35, 111-117.
Rajasekera, J., & Fang, S.C. (1988). A perturbation approach to the main duality theorem of quadratic geometric programming. ZOR Theory, 31, 103-118.
Rajasekera, J., & Fang, S.C. (1986). Controlled dual perturbations for lp-programming. ZOR Theory, 30, 29-42.