Christopher Lamont
Dean of E-Track International Relations
Vice Dean of Graduate School of International Relations
Professor of International Relations
Ph.D. – University of Glasgow
2008 Ph.D. – Politics, University of Glasgow |
2005 M.A. – International and European Politics, University of Edinburgh |
2002 B.A. – International Studies, University of Mississippi |
Teaching & Research Interests
International Relations, Human Rights, Transitional Justice, Research Design & Methods.
Academic Appointments
2023 – Present Professor, Tokyo International University |
2022 – Present Visiting Researcher, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Tokyo |
2018 Associate Professor, Tokyo International University |
2018 Visiting Professor, Kobe University |
2015 Specially Appointed Professor, Osaka University |
2013 Visiting Lecturer, Osaka University |
2011-2018 Assistant Professor, University of Groningen |
Fellowships & Grants
2022-2025 Co-Investigator: Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Transport Security: Developments and Issues in the Indo-Pacific Region, grant number: 22H00814 |
2016 U.S. Department of State, Research Capacity Building in Southern Iraq. |
2012-2013 Dutch Foreign Ministry, MATRA-South Grant. |
2013 U.S. Department of State, Libya Transitional Justice Expert Consultancy. |
2012 American Institute for Maghrib Studies. |
2010 IREX Short-Term Travel Grant. |
2010 Fulbright Scholarship. |
Selected Publications/Conference Papers
Christopher K. Lamont “Japan in the Middle East: A Complex Web of Partnerships and Shifting Priorities” in East-West Asia Relations in the 21st Century: From Bilateral to Interregional Relationships, edited by Rotem Kowner, Yoram Evron, and P.R. Kumaraswamy. Routledge, 2024, pp. 120-130.
Christopher K. Lamont “Digital Transitional Justice: Unpacking the Blackbox” in The Handbook on the Politics and Governance of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, eds. Andrej Zwitter and Oskar J. Gstrein, Edward Elgar, 2023, pp. 139-166.
Arnaud Kurze and Christopher K. Lamont. Mapping Global Justice: Perspectives, Cases, and Practice. Routledge, 2023.
Lauren Balasco, Bea Ciordia, Eliza Garnsey, Sarine Karajerjian, Arnaud Kurze, Christopher K. Lamont, Nomzamo Ntombela, and Mariam Salehi. “Introducing Justicecraft: Political Change Across Space and Time” Political Anthropological Research on International Social Sciences (PARISS) vol. 3, no. 1, 2022, pp. 51-108,
Arnaud Kurze and Christopher K. Lamont. “Breaking the Transitional Justice Machine: Exploring Spatiality, Space Travel, and Inbetween Spaces in Research Practice” Political Anthological Research on International Social Sciences (PARISS), vol. 2, issue 1, 2021, pp. 155-178.
Christopher Lamont. Research Methods in International Relations, 2nd edition. Sage, 2021.
Christopher Lamont and Mieczysław P. Boduszyński. Research Methods in Politics and International Relations. Sage, March 2020.
Arnaud Kurze and Christopher K. Lamont. Critical Spaces in Transitional Justice, Indiana University Press, 2019.
Christopher K. Lamont, Joanna Quinn, Eric Wiebelhaus-Brahm. “The Ministerialization of Transitional Justice” Human Rights Review, vol. 20, no. 1, 2019, pp. 103-122.
Christopher K. Lamont “The Scope and Boundaries of Transitional Justice in the Arab Spring” in Transitional Justice in the Middle East and North Africa, ed. Chandra Lekha Sriram, Hurst & Company, 2017, pp. 83-100.
Christopher K. Lamont “Case Study Methods in International Relations” in Oxford Bibliographies in International Relations, ed. Patrick James, Oxford University Press, 2017.
Christopher K. Lamont. “Contested Governance: Understanding Justice Interventions in Post-Qadhafi Libya” Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, vol. 10, no. 3, 2016, pp. 382-399.
Christopher K. Lamont and Hannah Pannwitz. “Transitional Justice as Elite Justice? Compromise Justice and Transition in Tunisia” Global Policy, vol. 7, no. 2, 2016, pp. 278-281.
Christopher K. Lamont “Sovereignty over the Skies: The European Union and East Asia’s Air Defense Identification Zones” in China, East Asia, and the European Union: Strong Economics, Weak Politics?, eds. Jan van der Harst and Tjalling Halbertsma, Brill, 2016, pp. 203-214.
Mieczyslaw Boduszynski, Kristin Fabbe and Christopher Lamont. “After the Arab Spring: Are Secular Parties the Answer?” Journal of Democracy, vol. 26, no. 4, 2015, pp. 125-139.
Arnaud Kurze, Christopher Lamont and Simon Robins. “Contested Spaces of Transitional Justice: Legal Empowerment in Post-Conflict Contexts Revisited” International Journal of Human Rights, vol. 19, no. 3, 2015, pp. 260-276.
Christopher K. Lamont, Jan van der Harst, and Frank Gaennsmantel. Non-Western Visions of Democratization: Imagining Democracy after the Arab Spring, Ashgate, 2015.
Alexandria Innes and Christopher Lamont. “Non-Western Visions of Democratization: Japan’s Official Development Assistance and Global Governmentality” in Non-Western Encounters with Democratization: Imagining Democracy after the Arab Spring, eds. Christopher Lamont, Jan van der Harst and Frank Gaenssmantel. Ashgate, 2015, pp, 217-236.
Alexandria Innes and Christopher Lamont. “Human Security in a Globalized World: Reflections on Japan’s Official Development Assistance Programs” in Deconstructing Global Citizenship: Political, Cultural and Ethical Perspectives, eds. Hasan Bashir and Philip Gray, Lexington Books, 2015, pp. 207-220.
Christopher K. Lamont. “The Political Context” in Humanitarian Crises, Intervention and Security: A Framework for Evidence-Based Programming, eds. Liesbet Heyse, Andrej Zwitter, Rafael Wittek, and Joost Herman. Routledge, 2015, pp. 63-70.
Andrej Zwitter, Christopher K. Lamont, Hans-Joachim Heintze, and Joost Herman. Humanitarian Action: Global, Regional and Domestic Legal Responses to Local Challenges, Cambridge University Press, 2015.
Christopher Lamont. Research Methods in International Relations. Sage, 2015.
Christopher K. Lamont. “Conflict in the Skies: The Law of Air Defense Identification Zones” Air and Space Law, vol. 39, no. 3, 2014, pp. 187-202.
Christopher K. Lamont. “The Hague Front in the Homeland War: Narratives of the Milošević Trial in Croatia” in The Milošević Trial – An Autopsy, ed. Timothy Waters, Oxford University Press, 2013, 2013, pp. 203-212.
Christopher K. Lamont. “Contested Histories of Croatia’s Homeland War” Groniek Historisch Tijdschrift, no. 194, 2013, pp. 69-80.
Christopher K. Lamont and Hela Boujneh. “Transitional Justice in Tunisia: Negotiating Justice during Transition” Politicka Misao: Croatian Political Science Review, Vol. 49, No. 5, 2012.
Christopher K. Lamont. “Forging Transitional Justice: Reconciliation of Law and Transition in Macedonia” in The Macedonian Question: 20 Years of Political Struggle into European Integration Structures, eds. Zhidas Daskalovski and Marija Risteska. Libertas, 2012, pp. 76-94.
Christopher K. Lamont. International Criminal Justice and the Politics of Compliance. Ashgate, 2010.
Christopher K. Lamont. “Justice and Transition in Mississippi: Opening the Books on the American South” Politics, vol. 30, no. 3, 2010, pp. 183-190.
Christopher K. Lamont. “Defiance or Strategic Compliance: the Croatian Democratic Union and the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia” Europe-Asia Studies, vol. 62, no. 10, 2010, pp. 1683-1705.
Christopher K. Lamont. “Confronting the Consequences of Authoritarianism and Conflict” in Transitional Jurisprudence and the ECHR: Justice, Politics and Rights, eds. Antoine Buyse and Michael Hamilton, Cambridge University Press, 2011, pp. 81-104.
Christopher Lamont. “Contested Sovereignty: The International Politics of Regime Change in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia” Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, vol. 25, no. 2-3, 2009, pp. 181-198. Reprinted in Stephen White and David Lane (eds.) Rethinking the Coloured Revolutions. London, Routledge, 2010, pp. 69-86.
Christopher Lamont. “Explaining the Regeneration of the Croatian Democratic Union in Post-Presidential Authoritarian Croatia: Elites, Legacies and Party Organization” Balkanistica, vol. 21, 2008, pp.57-86.
Christopher Lamont. “A New Croatian Right: Nationalist Political Parties and Contemporary Croatian Politics” Balkanistica, vol. 17, 2004, pp. 45-66.
Christopher K. Lamont. “Forging Transitional Justice: Reconciliation of Law and Transition in Macedonia” in The Macedonian Question: 20 Years of Political Struggle into European Integration Structures, eds. Zhidas Daskalovski and Marija Risteska. Libertas, 2012, pp. 76-94.
Christopher K. Lamont. “Confronting the Consequences of Authoritarianism and Conflict” in Transitional Jurisprudence and the ECHR: Justice, Politics and Rights, eds. Antoine Buyse and Michael Hamilton, Cambridge University Press, 2011, pp. 81-104.
Christopher Lamont. “Bargaining for Justice: Explaining Croatian State Compliance with International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia Article 29(d) and (e) Obligations” in Global Affairs in a Turbulent World: Perspectives and Controversies, ed. Yannis A. Stivachtis. Athens, ATINER, 2008, pp. 129-142.